Estate Sales
Are you a potential client?
Are you dealing with an estate or partial collection of a deceased family member? Are you down-sizing or tired of keeping all those things you inherited 20 years ago and really don't need or like (oops, we finally said it!)
You may be a potential candidate for an estate sale if you fall into one of these categories. The answer is either an email or brief phone call to find out. If you have only a few items to sell or consign sending us digital images is preferred. If you need an entire estate or collection sold it's best to make an appointment for an on-site visit. Before a visit, we ask that you have a general idea of what items family members are keeping so we can have a better understanding of what you need.
How we work…
- Pricing by specialists and appraisers in the industry at Fair Market Value
- Our staff sorts, cleans, polishes, displays, prices and inventories (items over $100) every saleable piece of merchandise to be sold or groups of items
- Stages each and every room and presents all merchandise to look its best for our visiting customers. Presentation sells!
- Provides a knowledgeable and friendly sales staff to assist buyers identifiable by wearing "Beck Estates red aprons"
- Professional marketing of your sale by internet advertising, print advertising, website advertising, accurate descriptions of items and professional quality photography
- Provides email notification to thousands of buyers and customers who WANT and LOOK FORWARD to attending our sales
- Custom made signs and banners - taken up at the conclusion of every sale day
- Broom clean home within 2 days after the conclusion of the sale - ready for the next owner and trash removal for a reasonable fee
- Combining appropriate consignments, if needed, to a sale that can fill in gaps by items taken by family members
- Removal of all unsold items and arranges for charitable donations and auction consignments to be taken at the conclusion of the sale
- Secure entry and exit during the sale - a check point discourages those who may have an alternate agenda
- Licensed and insured to protect your property through Lloyds of London
- Detailed settlement statement of ALL items sold at the sale along with list of inventoried items consigned to auction
- Pre-sale inventory of items valued over $100 given BEFORE the sale starts for your review
- Cash proceeds within two weeks of the conclusion of the sale
- Mobile charge site for credit card processing (reasonable fee to consignors on charge sales only)
- All sales taxes are filed and handled by Beck Estates